
All Entries in the "Dog Tricks" Category

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The Positive Reinforcement Method Explained

The Positive Reinforcement Method Explained

It’s widely accepted among the vast majority of dog training experts that the most effective and humane way to train your dog is through a process called positive reinforcement training.

This is a fancy phrase for what’s essentially a very simple theory: using positive reinforcement entails rewarding the behavior that you wish to see repeated, and ignoring the behavior that you don’t.

Dog Training, The Basics

Dog Training, The Basics

No matter how smart ( or dumb!) your dog is every dog can learn to follow basic commands and even do a few tricks too. The secret is ‘reward’ training at first followed by praise. When the dog stops having fun then stop the training for the day.

Another thing I’ve learned is to make them ‘earn’ those treats! Why not secretly teach a new trick as a ‘surprise’ birthday or Christmas gift from the dog?

Teaching your puppy proper socialization skills

Teaching your puppy proper socialization skills

Teaching a puppy or a dog proper socialization skills is vital to the safety of both your dog and other dogs and people with whom he comes into contact. A properly socialized dog is a happy dog, and a joy to be around for both humans and animals. A poorly socialized dog, or one with no socialization at all, is a danger to other animals, other people and even his own family.

Test this dog’s tricks – type in command

Test this dog’s tricks – type in command

This is a clever interactive ‘flash’ movie that lets you type in the commands and the dog performs them for you perfectly ( see how many tricks he can do, it’s a lot!). Click on the image and movie will open in a new window.

Clever Dog Tricks Videos – go fetch!

Clever Dog Tricks Videos – go fetch!

I love searching the web for dog trick videos, here’s a selection of dog trick videos that I found today: (P.S. Remember to upload your own favorite canine cinematics onto our Poochbook Social Network site)


Teach a dog to ‘shake hands’

Teach a dog to ‘shake hands’

Lift up the dogs hand and literally shake his paw yourself. At the same time say “shake hands” and then give him a treat. Every time they do it, praise them and say words like “well done” and “good boy/girl”.

