
Shelter Dogs

Shelter Dogs

The book I’m reading  in Reading Workshop is called Shelter Dogs Amazing Stories of Adopted Strays. My book has a hole bunch of different dog in it. It has 8  different dogs in it. The dogs in this book have suffered in the Humane Society. Also if you like animals this is a good book for you.

One dog in this book suffered for 6 DAYS alone at home because the master died.  After 6 days alone the dog Kirby never trusted a human again. The dog Zero was also put into Human Society when he was eight weeks old.

Zero is a Great Dane/ mixed breed dog. The dogs owner couldn’t find homes for all the puppies. The resin I choose this book s because I like dogs. I have like dogs for a long time. I was  told to read by Mrs Stevenson my 5th grade teacher.

Image from,https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJewI5D_XpainYdpXjP9jTV25AwOPH1KQXYbQ5FAcGT0RrfzmhQrjIbFEm9fUVrZDSaXp41RG_nb2-SflLcuWFeVm6GaI4FszOH1nG5JdyYEHra2Qd09vT5W2RJqNQ3LaqIDEUDE1w7sjv/s320/ShelterDogs.JPG

This entry was posted on September 2, 2010. It was filed under Uncategorized .

