
Vomiting In Children: Diarrhea | Treatment | Nausea Remedies Children

Diarrhea and nausea remedies children: vomiting and nausea in children

Nausea and vomiting in children

If your child is vomiting, which could cause a stomach infection, or other viral infection or even an allergic reaction to certain foods and medicines. In this case, the symptoms of vomiting will not last long, when considering the environment. However, if accompanied by diarrhea, nausea or fever symptoms, you should call a doctor immediately. If your child is vomiting, and if she refuses to eat or drink, crying without tears, then you should call a doctor immediately. Meanwhile, to keep symptoms of vomiting at home, you may at some simple methods. Give your child in the stomach a break and run regularly on the table, until symptoms disappear. Meanwhile, you can include a meal replacement with oral rehydration solutions, essential nutrients such as salt and sugar.

Vomiting Treatment

If your child feels a sense of hunger, you can move him or her on a liquid diet. Vomiting leading to severe dehydration of the body as the essential fluids lost very quickly. It is therefore important, even if your child is confident of a clear liquid diet to ensure he / she uses essential fluids at regular intervals. If your child is unwilling to drink water, try to soak him ice chips or a cloth with cold water. If your child does not experience vomiting after eating clear liquids, you can use crackers or toast and other easily digested foods. You can also start with rice and potatoes. Avoid all oily, fried foods, milk and dairy products.

Diarrhea and nausea remedies children

A simple and effective home remedy is to offer your child something warm Coke. A cup of warm cola, which has been touched and is moderately flat helps curb nausea. Another effective remedy for nausea is lemon juice. Juice of one fresh lemon juice with salt and sugar is an effective solution to hydrate again. Smelling half slice of lemon also controls feelings of nausea. Ginger is very useful in the treatment of nausea at home. A mixture of ginger juice and honey to control nausea. Alternatively, you can try to reduce your child ginger tea or a solution of lemon juice, mint juice, honey, ginger juice to vomiting. Cardamom is also a useful way to treat symptoms such as nausea. Take a cardamom seeds have been roasted, dried, finely powdered and mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Give this mixture to help your child learn to control vomiting.

