

How the information we’re immersed in affects us…


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Sugar in one’s diet and refined carbohydrates can cause harmful changes to the balance of bacteria that live in the digestive tract, causing havoc to those suffering from ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, etc. Put another way, regularly eating sugar and refined carbohydrates can diminish the benefits of ingesting friendly bacteria, which are an essential key to addressing ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, etc., through natural means. A regular consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates in the diet can also create a chronically elevated blood insulin level, which can contribute to inflammation throughout the body, including within the digestive tract.


A Japanese study, http://dianne-m.wrytestuff.com/swa349728.htm  evaluated the role of diet on inflammatory bowel disease. Included in the study were 111 people with ulcerative colitis who were given food questionnaires. The survey found a higher consumption of sweets was positively associated with ulcerative colitis risk, and vitamin C was found to have a protective effect. A higher intake of vitamin C was related to a lower risk of ulcerative colitis. (common foods rich in vitamin C are red bell peppers, parsley, strawberries, and spinach).


Stevia, is a delicious and much safer alternative. Stevia, also known as “candyleaf”, is a bush native to Central and South America.


With much love,

Dr Gabrielides an ex-Ulcerative Colitis sufferer.


  • An estimated 90% of all visits to all types of doctors are for stress-related illnesses! (Blaich)

So, we see, that it’s not only diet that plays a huge role in Irritable Bowel Syndrome-type diseases such as colitis!

  • Dr. Sherry Rogers says: “You have been brainwashed into believing that the diagnosis given to your condition, a mere label, is the end of the line. But nothing could be further (and more dangerous) from the truth. In fact, the name or label that has been given to your collection of symptoms is totally inconsequential. The only thing that matters is what has caused the symptoms…

  • I will now share with you an affordable and easy way to beat Colitis whilst you sleep!

Dr Sherry A. Rogers, MD, ABFP, ABEM, FACAAI, FACN, is a Diplomate of the American Board of Family Practice and of the American Board of Environmental Medicine.

The Impact of Stress on Colitis!

  • The saber-tooth-tiger effect… Many baby boomers are ex-adrenaline junkies – people who lived in the fast lane for too many years, and eating a wretched diet. As they age, they start to have problems. When the “tiger” attacks the body or when any form of immediate stress occurs, in the fight-or-flight response, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) fires, releasing adrenal hormones to create survival mechanisms including: elevated blood pressure and blood sugar, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, opened up airways, etc. Normal digestion and even intestinal peristalsis is stopped to allow the body to focus on survival. And the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which regulates day-to-day activities like slowing the heart rate and stimulating digestion, is inhibited.

  • ‘the Resistance Stage’ of repeated stress: In humans, this translates to the enormous increase in digestive problems including Colitis, Heartburn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, chronic illness and fatigue we see today.(Lipski)

  • At some point, the body can no longer maintain the increased production of hormones to meet continued, ongoing stress and the adrenals reach the Exhaustion Stage(adrenal burnout), wherein the body can no longer regulate its own vital functions.(Blaich) Chronic disease develops gradually as a result of dysfunction. One doesn’t just “get” Colitis, heart disease or cancer… they are each preceded by years of dysfunction of the body involving gradual deterioration of normal function over time. (Blaich)

  • So you must relax after a stressful day before eating so you can reap the benefits of the [the parasympathetic nervous system] PNS.

  • Stress reduction and a peaceful meal time without stress obviously become very important. A concerted effort must be made to make mealtime unstressful to ensure proper digestion and an effort must be made to take time to eat peacefully, quietly and properly. Tall order in today’s rushed workplace with busy schedules, travelling, limited food selections and choices.

In this regard, using a relaxation CD is of enormous help. As a Doctor of Holistic Nutrition, I can tell you that other methods are just not practical, or very expensive, this is affordable, and it de-stresses you and heals a lot of the damage Ulcerative Colitis causes, whilst you sleep, so, diet alone is not enough!

Unfortunately, a lot of what we eat turns into a lethal Molotov cocktail in our gastrointestinal tract/bowel, due to the toxicity of modern food and due to the lack of digestive enzymes, probiotics, etc., in our diet. It then hardens over time, attaches itself to our intestinal lining, perforates it over time, and then escapes through the intestinal lining into our blood stream to cause general toxemia, poisoning and causes the immune system to attack our bodies so-called autoimmune disease.

If you’re an average person, within the folds of your colon lie between 7 to 10 pounds of smelly, foul and toxic impacted mucus, plus maybe another five pounds of undigested meat putrefies inside of you. Leave five pounds of meat in a dark, warm, moist place for a few days and see for yourself the results of putrefaction. One basic health-care strategy that I’ve learned over the years is that the elimination of undigested food and toxic waste products from our bodies is equally as important as the proper digestion and assimilation of food… Cancer, for example, is the final, fatal stage of tissue toxicity, but it takes a long time to develop, and long before it does, chronic toxemia takes its toll on human health in many other ways, making life miserable for millions of people who don’t realize that the root causes of their misery is their own blood and tissue toxicity.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg said: “Ninety percent of all illness originates in the stomach and bowel. The putrefactive changes which recur in the undigested residues of flesh foods are to blame.” Guests who arrived at the Battle Creek Sanitarium soon learned that their once-pristine bowel was now a sewer of autointoxication, full of poisons.

Attaining and sustaining vigorous energetic youthful health demands that we focus equally on two processes what goes into our bodies and what needs to daily come out of them. This is a continuous demand, not a one-off occurrence. The more often you pay attention to this on a scheduled basis the better off you will feel and look. Put plainly, you have to have at least one good bowel movement per day, preferably three, if you want to be vibrantly healthy. Bad health, bad diseases, bad pains, bad skin, bad weight, and aging never slows down and never ends with this collection and toxic mess inside of you clogging you up from the inside out.

The current state of our food supply is that it is killing us, and or afflicting us with chronic degenerative diseases, as evidenced by world statistics. If you’re under the illusion that if you’re eating three meals a day, you’re O.K., you’re under an illusion. Indeed, a deadly one! Worse still, if you’re under the illusion that you can heal yourself by eating so-called good food, wake up and smell the coffee. Sickness or chronic degenerative disease cannot be healed by merely eating, good food which means organic food grown on organic soil. Normal treatment by mainstream dieticians is to ask people to stop eating the foods they crave the most. That, my friends, just doesn’t work. People are addicted to the foods they crave, so they’re not going to stop eating them just because their dietician or doctor tells them to. The only way to stop people from killing themselves in this way is to feed them with the best-quality green food, so-called ‘superfoods’ like Blue Green algae and many others available. Green food is a Natural Medicine that feeds their bodies the nutrients they need. With the body well-fed with green food, balance is achieved, with balance the toxic cravings diminish and soon disappear.  Now, notice that I said green food is NATURAL MEDICINE, that’s very important. Why? Because our food is polluted and is grown in polluted soil, there is absolutely no way we can eat our way to health. People often tell me, “But Dr. Gabrielides, I watch what I eat, I also eat my fruit and vegetables every day.” Now, that is good, but it is practically useless.

What these dear people don’t realize is that because food, including fruit, vegetables, meats, poultry, nuts, is sprayed and or injected with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, hormones, antibiotics, and irradiated, this food is dead and very, very toxic! This means that instead of food nourishing us, it poisons us and we have the alarming situation where now, far from being nourished by our meals, we have to recover from every meal we eat!

Also, once we become sick, even if we could get food that is not polluted, and that is grown on healthy soil, we would need to eat massive doses, something like 85 oranges a day, for example, just to get the high-dose vitamin C we need when we’re sick, which means to get all the other vitamins, we will need to eat a truck-load or two of food every day, which of course, is impossible. Now, also never forget that very few vitamins on the market today are worth anything, and, in fact, many of them cause harm. They’re synthetic as opposed to natural. Some of them are even made from rocket-fuel components and petroleum by-products. So, the body absorbs very little of these vitamins, giving rise to the term expensive urine, and, this is the reason why your medical doctor will laugh hysterically if you tell him you’re treating yourself with vitamins.

Vitamins that the body recognizes and absorbs and is thus healed thereby are vitamins that are:

A. organic and naturally manufactured

B. enzymatically manufactured, German Enzym, from Medieval Greek enzimos, leavened: Greek en-, in; see en-2 + Greek zimi, leaven and yeast.

With the ingestion of this kind of vitamin, the body can now absorb up to 98% of the vitamins/natural medicine and thereby heal itself. Now, when you ask me how many of the products out there fit this description, I can count them on my one hand, so to speak. So, in order to keep your health and heal from illness, you need to be under the guidance of a knowledgeable and competent natural medicine practitioner. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Would you take your brand new car to someone who knows very little about cars? Most people, of course, wouldn’t dream of doing that. Why then would you not want to take your most precious and valuable human body to an expert?

All right, let’s look more closely at just how polluted our food is:

Everyday groceries contain ingredients that cause heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases. Virtually every grocery store sells a vast array of foods that promote chronic diseases. Foods made with white flour are very common. That includes most breads, cookies, crackers, pastries and pastas. And this one ingredient — refined white flour — strips the body of essential nutrition. These are also the same nutrients that pregnant women need to be able to give birth to babies that don’t have birth defects. Every grocery store sells foods containing cancer-causing chemicals (sodium nitrite), heart disease promoting ingredients (hydrogenated oils), and drinks that promote osteoporosis and bone loss (carbonated soft drinks). It’s almost like a disease store, not a grocery store, since most items on the shelves are actually “disease in a box” rather than real food. Thankfully, there is a growing list of pioneering doctors and researchers out there who are telling the truth about foods.

Let’s look at what the book, ‘Empty Harvest’ by Dr Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson, have to say about food and soil:

“…dirt, or soil, is the primary factor in maintaining our nutritional health because all our food comes from the earth. Since our bodies are literally composed of the “dust of the earth,” meaning minerals, healthy bodies are connected to healthy soil. If any element is missing from the soil, then it will be missing from the foods we eat and as a result, we will not be properly nourished. Unfortunately, our commercial methods of agriculture are not only depleting the soil of precious trace minerals, they are also destroying the ability of plants to be able to utilize those elements. Hence, our food is nutritionally deficient right from the start. To make matters worse, our food gets refined and more of its nutritional content is removed in the process.”

Finally, don’t despair. What should a person do?  We desperately need to get advice from everyone, medical doctors, natural medicine practitioners, chiropractors, herbalists, etc. Once we have all the information, we do our best to implement what best resonates with us. Don’t ever be ‘married’ to any programme, follow your heart and get advice, PLENTY OF IT! Do the necessary medical tests. At the end of the day, we’re INDIVIDUALS, so, what will work for ‘A’, will not at all work for ‘B’.

Please also see my colitis diet plan website for more information: http://hpt359.wix.com/colitisdietplan

