
Why Dog Treats Won"t Help You To Get Your Service

I’m certain you’ve noticed this at some point before, and you could even do it yourself constantly. Get a dog bone and then freely suspend it in front of your dog as you simply tell him or her exactly what to do. Roll over, play dead, sit down, speak and I’ll present you with this treat. Of course your dog will probably obey, they desire that treat. In case you dangle a peanut butter cup in front of me, I’ll play dead as well as roll over too. Does this imply that I am conditioned to roll over? Or does it merely suggest I seriously love peanut butter cups? When training for your service dog certification you are best served to leave the treats behind.

The true secret to productive service dog training is to help to make the dog admire you. This cannot be achieved in the event that the dog simply looks at you being a source of doggie snacks.

We usually advise utilizing a compliment technique whenever training your dog. The praise can be a simple verbal praise, or a pat on the head. In the event that the dog receives a treat each time she or he follows an order you have not gained the dogs respect. You have turned your furry friend into a spoiled animal.

Remember that your pet has to learn who the authority figure in the relationship is. A relationship where all you do is present treats for obeying commands, does not illustrate any kind of authority.

Another reason utilizing dog treats as a training tool is not the greatest idea, specifically for service dog certification, is you won’t always have them at your disposal. Service dogs need to know whenever they are working and in the event that they’ve been trained to respond to get a treat, precisely what may happen whenever you didn’t remember them at the home? Suddenly your pet is unhappy with you for not really treating them right after carrying out a command and at some point no longer follow that order.

In some unusual cases, pet dogs might become troublesome in public places because they’re not really receiving the treat they feel they’ve earned.

The last and most obvious reason behind not using dog treats while performing service dog certification training is that it may have undesirable health effects upon your pet dog. Just like human beings, dogs are not meant to snack heavily the whole day. If you’re offering your dog a treat every time they obey a command, they’ll be adding some really serious calories to their diet regime.

You would like your dog to obey you more and more as training continues, however, if the more they obey you, the more they try to eat, you are developing a health risk for the dog.

